
References and related projects

FCA, mathematical foundations

For learning more about Formal Concept Analysis we recommand the book by Bernhard Ganter and Rudolf Wille Formal Concept Analysis, Mathematical Foundations, Springer, 1999.

FCA on the web

For information on the theory behind ConExp we refer to one of the folling pages:

Articles about Concept Explorer

Serhiy A. Yevtushenko. System of data analysis "Concept Explorer". (In Russian). Proceedings of the 7th national conference on Artificial Intelligence KII-2000, p. 127-134, Russia, 2000. ConExp-2000.pdf(317 K) This is a first article about Concept Explorer.

Serhiy A. Yevtushenko. Algorithms for drawing line diagrams. (In Russian). Proceedings of the Russian National Congress on Artificial Intelligence ICAI-2001. DrawingLineDiagrams-ICAI2001.pdf(453 K)

Abstract of the article: Formal Concept Analysis is a powerful method of data analysis. Visualization of dependencies in FCA is performed by means of linear diagrams of concept lattices. Different approaches for drawing linear diagrams are reviewed. Results of comparisons of several algorithms are presented.


Algoritms for drawing line diagrams (In Russian). ICAI-2001 presentation
DrawingLineDiagrams-presentation.pdf (846 K )
Darmstadt presentation for Intellectics group(August 2001)
AlgConSet.pdf(306 K) This presentation contains among other things pseudo-code for the GRAIL algorithm for computing concept lattices used in ConExp.